We believe every consumer should be able to carry on with their daily activities without worrying about the potential negative impact of their choices on the environment. You can do this without compromising on your lifestyle, as at Earth Tatva we use 60% of post-industrial landfilled ceramic rejects to make food safe & 35% stronger ceramic wares that are 100% recyclable. Clearing landfills & reducing mining for natural resources by 60%.
We offer green mealing & green building solutions through our recycled ceramics’ tableware & architectural products. Essentially, doing more and better with less.
We practise closed-loop processing to achieve zero-waste manufacturing. Adhering to the principles of circular economy and directly supporting SDG-12.
Join us and be a Green Samaritan.

the founder
Shashank Nimkar is a multi-award winner cross-disciplinary designer who enjoys working with materials and developing solutions that add value to our society.
He innovated TatvaMix as a part of his graduation project for his Master's programme at National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, India.
Using this recycled material he aims to turn the linear ceramic production into a circular process. So that the industry & studios can collectively reduce the carbon footprint while continue making high aesthetic and functional ceramic wares.
Archeology has shown us that ceramics remain unweathered
for centuries.

One ceramic production cluster in India annually uses
7.2 Lakh tons of clay
Annual wastage of fired pieces at this cluster
21,600 tons
Multiply this annual wastage by
50 years of production
Equivalent to
an 18 storey building
of the size of a football field
Imagine the prodigious amount of waste landfilled by production units across the country & the world!!!

TatvaMix - Recycled ceramics by 'Earth Tatva'

Recycled ceramics tableware
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and get featured in our green samaritan series
We know that everyone has their own way of giving back to nature. Whether it is as simple as offering kitchen waste to your garden plants or something high-tech. We want the world to know what your contribution is so we can together inspire millions of others in this journey to make a greener, better world.
Don't worry if you are yet to start with your green practise, using Earth Tatva's products could be your contribution without changing your lifestyle.
SignUp for the notification & we'll feature your story on your first purchase from us.

Why do we need to recycle ceramics?Archaeology has shown us that ceramics do not biodegrade for centuries. Industries today are facing daunting challenges about what to do with their production waste. Landfilling such waste hinders the natural air flow in the soil and renders the land infertile. Our natural mineral reserves are limited and reusing tons of waste as raw material reduces mining for these natural resources, conserving them for the future generations.
What is a circular economy?Circular economy is a way of living and doing business where we eliminate waste and keep materials flowing in a productive cycle. Rethink, reduce, reuse, repair, repurpose, remanufacture, recover, recycle are all ways to close and narrow the loops of material flow in the society.
Are these products food safe?Definitely. Each piece is coated with a fresh layer of glaze. Glaze is an inert layer of glass that does not react with food, even when served hot. We do not use toxic heavy-metal oxides (Lead, Cadmium, etc.) in any of our glazes.
Are these products microwave safe & dishwasher safe?Yes. Our products are compatible with both microwave and dishwasher. In a dishwasher it is advised to keep these on top shelf.
What impact do I generate by using Earth Tatva’s products?By using our products you reduce mining for natural resources by 60%. This helps in reducing carbon emissions that contribute to global warming and saves natural resources for future generations.
Are these products vegan?Yes. We do not use animal bones in our clay or glaze raw materials.
How are these products stronger than traditional ceramics?The recycled content, called ‘grog’, in higher quantities acts as a reinforcement in the structure of virgin clay. Just like the steel rods in a concrete structure.
How strong are these products compared to traditional ones?Our products are 35% stronger. Have higher compressive & tensile strength but it also affects its impact resistance positively.
Are these products unbreakable?No. These are relatively stronger than usual ceramics but still belong to the family of fragile materials.
Can these products be recycled again?Yes, these can be recycled for many cycles. As we use clay itself as a natural binder the products are essentially made from mono-material, making it possible to reuse 100% of the broken products as raw material.
Is this process energy intensive?Yes. It consumes high electrical energy to pulverize the waste. But it gets compensated by the relatively lower firing temperature.
Why does Earth Tatva recycle and not repurpose?Repurposing will not reduce mining for natural resources while making ceramic products. Our aim is to make a reusable material which can be universally used by anyone to make beautiful functional products. Creating a larger positive impact on the society and the environment. It is dangerous to handle broken ceramics and repurposing it may cause occupational health hazards, limiting our potential to have scalable positive impact.
How does Earth Tatva achieve closed-loop zero-waste manufacturing?We aspire for zero-waste manufacturing as we can naturally reuse clay and our inhouse process practically aids us in reusing all the fired ceramic waste (including the glaze). Our corrugated box packaging can also be recycled. Plaster moulds are something we are yet to recycle at their end-of-life after multiple castings, but we aim at finding a solution for it as well. We keep the moulds with us and do not landfill them.
Do you collect broken ceramics from individuals?Not yet. But we plan to start collecting post-consumer ceramic waste soon.
Is the waste imported from other countries?No. All our waste is sourced locally.
Do you recycle glass as well?No. Glass and ceramics are predominantly made up of silica and hence, belong to the same family but have different molecular structure; non-crystalline and crystalline respectively.